North Dakota State University: Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Dept.

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Our project titled the "Effect of Optimal Water Management for Sustainable and Profitable Crop Production and Improvement of Water Quality in Red River Valley" is funded through the Sustainable Agricultural Research & Education (SARE) grant.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


So it's time to start getting back out into the field! 

In March we
  • Continued to collect and process data from our wireless weather stations and Eddy Covariance systems. 

  • Visited our "free drained" field to re-launch/re-start a malfunctioning weather station

  • Visited each of our 24 wells (located in our undrained, control drained, and subirrigated field plots) to ensure that our HOBO water level loggers were working and the wells were functional.
Below is the link to a video which briefly summarizes our Eddy Covariance and wireless weather stations along with providing a look at the research site during the winter months.