The SARE field tour consisted of about 40 attendees, some of which included Larry Luick (ND state senator), local farmers, representatives from local agencies (State Water Commission, NRCS, etc.), and representatives from nearby companies (Houston Engineering, Ellingson Companies, etc.).
The start of the day consisted of a brief overview of the project on North Dakota State University (NDSU) campus and then turned toward visiting the research site out in Moorhead, MN.
Dr. Tom Scherer talking about the SARE project |
At the research site attendees where brought to both the drainage outlet and subirrigaiton sites (shown below).
Drainage outlet - consists of three controlled drainage structures which help monitor three individual sections of the farm plot.
Gerry Zimmerman (the farmer) describes his setup of the three controlled drainage structures.
Dr. Xinhua Jia describing the subirrigation system located on the opposite side of the county drainage ditch. |
After visiting the research site attendees were brought back to NDSU for some organized group discussion which consisted of three groups, each with a different question (i.e. each group talked about a different issue associated with tile drainage and water management).
Blue group - Kelsey (M.S. student) took notes |
Red group - Debjit (Doctorate student) took notes |
Green group - Kyle (M.S. student) took notes |
After the group discussions summaries were made by each group and shared with the entire room.
Red group summaries |
Blue group summaries |
Green group summaries |
After the group summaries additional discussion occurred, questions were taken, and the day came to an end!