North Dakota State University: Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Dept.

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Our project titled the "Effect of Optimal Water Management for Sustainable and Profitable Crop Production and Improvement of Water Quality in Red River Valley" is funded through the Sustainable Agricultural Research & Education (SARE) grant.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Utilizing remote-controlled irrigation for high tunnel tomato and pepper productions in ND


Our proposal titled "Utilizing remote-controlled irrigation for high tunnel tomato and pepper productions in ND" has been selected and funded. Above picture shows the field visit in NDSU Horticulture Research Farm in Absaraka, ND on 08/26/2020.

The high tunnel to be used for the project.

Preparation for the automated irrigation for commercial production of watermelon, squash, and muskmelon cultivars in Oakes


Our proposal titled "Automated irrigation for commercial production of watermelon, squash, and muskmelon cultivars in Oakes" has been selected and funded. During the visit in NDSU Oakes Irrigation Research Site on  09/28/2021, Dr. Thomas Scherer checked the flow rate and pressure of well flow to be used for the irrigation. A Panametrics ultrasonic flow meter was used in the flow measurement.